20 Year Home Invasion 1st Degree Dismissed!

In this case, a Ewing Law Client was charged with Home Invasion 1st Degree which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years prison, Malicious Destruction or Property ($200-$1000) a misdemeanor that carries a maximum of 1 year in jail, and misdemeanor Domestic Violence with a maximum penalty of 93 days jail.

The felony Home Invasion 1st Degree (20 year prison max) was reduced to Illegal Entry (a misdemeanor), count two (MDOP) was dismissed, and he plead to count three (Domestic Violence).

The plea agreement also stated that the pleas to the two misdemeanors would be made pursuant to MCL 771.1 and 769.4a–meaning they are non-public records so they are sealed so that our client’s employer can not find the records. The agreement also stated that upon successful completion of an anger management program and a short probation–that the two misdemeanor charges would also be dismissed. Leaving our client WITH ALL CHARGES ULTIMATELY DISMISSED!

Screenshot of plea agreement.